Silly Sestinas

Sestinas weren't so bad as I thought they would be.  I sat down and wrote it in under an hour, with kid distractions and everything!  Just FYI, I don't covet cheese like the narrator in my poem, but I do think it is a pretty enjoyable invention.  Aaron and I love trying out new cheeses...but we try to not take it overboard.  It is important to keep our priorities in check :).

Another interesting note, Yahoo! did not have an editor check my poem for the sestina assignment, but was published immediately.  Is this because no one else did a sestina?  Or perhaps they trust me to edit my own stuff by now?

I have made 22 cents with my Yahoo! account now, and none yet with my blog.  However, I recently added an Amazon feature that I am allowed to discuss...but I can't figure out how to make it work.  Once it works though, you can see the books I like.  If you click on the link through my site, I make 15% of the theory.  Pretty cool, huh?  I'll figure it out one of these days.  My goal is to make some money writing, maybe even enough for a down payment on a house. I think a novel will generate more money, but it will also take so long before any money comes in... Also, as fun as my novel is to write, sometimes I'm not sure what to do next in my novel, and writing other things makes me think about it more.


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