New Pen Name

Honestly, why do I bother?  I will probably be too busy for this once school starts in two weeks.  However, my husband has decided that my pen name should be changed to something...different.  I tried looking up common last names to use, but couldn't find anything that wasn't being used until I tried Delphinium.  It is probably not very convincing as a surname, but there you are!  At least it is pretty.  

I did post a new article this week, about Pride and Prejudice (my favorite book).  I used the phrase "bodily encounters," and was too embarrassed to post it on Facebook.  Here is a link if you are interested:
One of these days, I'll figure out how they use the word "here" and link it to the web address so that you don't have to look at the whole ugly web address.  

Here is a picture of the Delphinium flower, from a site called April's Garden.  Nice, huh?
Distinguished Delphinium in Durango CO, April's Garden

Today, we should get our last shipment of books from  I'm excited to start school this year, which is good since I was so happy to have it end last spring!  Last night, my five year old got out his blocks and flash cards, and figured out 11 + 6.  He said, "I keep getting it right, Mom!" "That's because you are so smart, John!" "No Mom, it's because I have these cool counting blocks!"  Ha - leave it to him to have some perspective.


  1. I've just found your blog, April! I think your new pen name suits you very well. You're lovely just like the flower. Haha, cheesy, I know, but I'm glad I found you and I'll be following your posts...

  2. Thanks, Dana! I am honored- you are one of my favorite people :).

  3. Have you read the Kevin Henkes book Chrysanthemum? There is a character named Delphinium in it :)

  4. Delphinium Twinkle? The music teacher? :) I love her.


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