Sharing Christ's Love for the Holidays

Thanks to 501 Life Magazine for allowing me to repost this article from a couple of years ago.  This year, we can add disaster relief for the Philipines and tornado victims in Illinois to the list of ways to show His love to others.  My favorite disaster relief organization? Samaritan's Purse :).

 Christmas Service Projects

This and every Christmas I am reminded of the reason we are celebrating: the gift of Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem. That is why we exchange presents, throw parties and decorate everything in light. That is why we sing carols in His praise. I try to instill in my children that this party isn't about them, it is about Him. One way Jesus told Christians to show Him their love is by loving others (Matthew 25:40). In view of this goal, here are a few ways you can get involved making a difference in someone's life.

Salvation Army Angel Tree (

Many churches and some businesses will have an Angel Tree with ornaments that you can choose from this holiday season. On the ornament is the age and gender of a local child who would like to receive a Christmas present, but may not get one without your support. You can go shopping with your family to pick one out for him/her and drop it off with your ornament. JCPenney now supports Angel Tree online, if you would like to donate that way instead.

Soul Food Mission Cafe
(now located in the Second Baptist fellowship hall off of Harkrider in Conway)

Local families that are having a hard time making ends meet can get much-needed groceries here – but only if someone donates them! Come make a difference in someone's life by donating some non-perishable food items here on a Monday afternoon.

Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child (

Wrap a shoebox and get packing! Operation Christmas Child donates presents and school items to children around the world who are in need. There is a list on the website of best items to send along with your check to help with the shipping costs. This is another great opportunity to involve your children in the ministry of giving. I had my older children each pick out presents for a child their age last year, and they were really happy to be involved. It surprised them that some kids might not get presents like they do.

Operation Gratitude (

This service project helps U.S. Soldiers in need of a piece of home, and also those being treated for wounds. They accept letters of gratitude, homemade scarves, donations and care packages (directions on the website). Our freedom costs these young people dearly, and it means a lot to them that we care about their sacrifice.

Kairos Prison Ministry (

This prison ministry is geared towards showing the love of Christ to those in prison. They share cookies and visit with them to let them know they are still loved. When I was a child, I would spend evenings making dozens of cookies to send to these folks. The stories I heard about repentant hearts were very moving, and I highly recommend this ministry. Contact information is on the website.

I got this puppy one year from my brother.  Isn't he darling?


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