I'm So Done With Moving!

     I think I may be able to move on with life as I knew it.  Very soon.

Moving really takes more than a weekend. Or unpacking boxes.  Or fixing all of the repair issues the last guy left behind.  Moving is almost a state of mind where your head gets up and walks away for a while as you readjust and re-establish a routine that had once been, well, routine.  That's why it has taken so long for me to get back to this writing business.  That and life's typical excuses: illness, holidays, giant trees falling unexpectedly...you know, the usual.

You'll be happy to know that I finished editing the book with all of the suggestions from my mom (editor extraordinaire), who, to my shock and chagrin, had worked with a publisher in Seattle once upon a time and suggested I submit my novel to an agent there.  I'm still working with some suggestions I got from the authonomy.com readers with editing, including a possible re-write for my first two chapters, so bear with me.  I have removed my novel from their site, since books from inactive writers inevitably fall to the bottom of the ranking (per the move), but got some helpful suggestions nonetheless.  Re-writing two chapters is all kinds of intimidating, but I figure that since I made it this far, I ought to finish what I started, right?  And now I have the perfect tool: My wonderful husband just bought me a new computer that isn't jimmy-rigged with c-clamps.  Thanks, honey!

My biggest challenge at this point is the book cover.  I have no clue as to how to make one or use the programs needed, but I'm pretty sure the Commons doesn't have what I need as far as photos go anyhow. Right now, I'm leaning against self-publication for this reason.  Any helpful suggestions?

As for the homeschooling thing...books should arrive today!  Don't you love curriculum?


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